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    Fruits and Vegetables Preparation Guide

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    Recipe Introduction

    It's my ardent belief, backed up by lots of scientific research, that
    the more fruits and vegetables you eat the healthier you will be. Did
    you know that there are compounds called phytochemicals and antioxidants
    in fresh fruits and vegetables that help reduce your risk of disease?
    Homocysteine, a blood chemical, is linked to heart disease. Eating
    fruits and vegetables high in folate, vitamins B6 and B12 helps reduce the
    level of homocysteine in blood. Taking supplements with these
    nutritients doesn't work as well as eating fresh produce. There are so many
    micronutrients, chemicals, and compounds in fruits and vegetables that food
    scientists are discovering every day.
    So do you know how to prepare
    So do you know how to prepare fresh fruits and vegetables? Did you know
    that you should wash a cantaloupe before you slice it? Or that there
    are two kinds of peaches, and only one kind you should buy to serve
    fresh? This list of some popular fruits and vegetables will give you tips
    about buying, storing, and preparing them so you can easily add them to
    your daily diet.

    List of Ingredients

    * APPLES
    Apples should be firm and heavy for their size, with no soft or brown
    spots or indentations. Wash them well and just eat out of hand. To core
    them, cut in half, then in quarters, and using a knife make a circular
    cut around the seeds and seed casings. Make sure you get those little
    transparent seed casings out, because if you're cooking the apples in a
    pie or other recipe, the casings won't soften much and are unpleasant
    to bite. Minute Apple Tart
    Cut in half and remove the pit. Apricots may be eaten skin and all. To
    peel, blanch for 10-20 seconds in boiling water and plunge immediately
    into cold water. The peel will slip right off. Baked Chicken with
    Yes, avocado is a fruit! This is the way I prepare them. Wash, then cut
    in half lengthwise, going around the pit. Twist the two halves gently
    to separate. Some people then hit the pit with a knife to remove it, but
    I like to cut the avocado in half lengthwise again and gently pry out
    the pit. I find the fruit bruises less this way. Then just pull off the
    skin with your fingers and slice. Sprinkle with lemon juice if you
    aren't serving it immediately to stop enzymatic browning. Ribeye Steak with
    Avocado Salsa
    Blackberries, raspberries, boysenberries, gooseberries, and
    loganberries are all extremely perishable. Use them the day you buy them for best
    quality. Wash them very gently in cool water, sort them and place them
    on paper towels to drain. Use right away after they have been washed.
    Lemon Berry Tart
    Blueberries are not as perishable. They are usually sold in 1 pint
    containers. Sort them carefully and make sure to pull off any attached
    stems. Wash and dry on paper towels, then eat or use in recipes. Blueberry
    To check for ripeness, gently press against the vine end of the melon
    (larger indentation). The melon should give gently, and should smell
    sweet. Make sure to wash the cantaloupe before you cut it, to prevent food
    poisoning from spreading with the knife. Gently scoop out seeds with a
    spoon and cut the fruit into wedges or use a melon baller. Chicken
    Melon Salad
    I feel that a cherry pitter is a wonderful tool. Be sure to pit the
    cherries over a bowl so you can make hear the pit click into the bowl and
    be sure that each cherry is successfully pitted. Look for heavy, firm
    cherries with a tight skin. Cherry Chicken Salad
    * GRAPES
    Be sure to wash grapes very thoroughly before using. Look for bunches
    with the grapes held tightly to the stems. Make sure to buy seedless
    varieties and store covered in the refrigerator. Grape and Chevre Salad
    The melons should be heavy for their size and give slightly when
    pressed with your fingers. They should also smell sweet and, well, like
    honey. Wash them well before slicing and gently scoop out the seeds.
    Honeydew Salad Wedges
    Kiwis taste like a combination of strawberries and melon and are a
    delicious source of Vitamin C. The black seeds are edible. Peel the skin
    and slice to serve. Sherbet Fruit Pie
    Lemons should feel heavy for their size. To get the most juice, gently
    roll them on the countertop to break down the cell structure. Or you
    can prick them with a knife and microwave them for 30 seconds on high,
    then juice. Lemon Truffle Pie
    This luscious fruit tastes like a wild peach. They should smell sweet
    and be soft when pressed with the fingers, but not wrinkled. Color isn't
    a reliable indicator of ripeness. To prepare mangoes, hold them upright
    and cut down along one of the fat sides, curving your knife to avoid
    the large oval pit. Repeat on the other side. Then score the flesh with a
    knife in a crisscross pattern. Gently press the scored halves to turn
    inside out and cut off the chunks of fruit from the peel. Trim the rest
    of the fruit off the pit, peel, and use in the recipes. Baked Brie with
    The large black papaya seeds are edible, although I've never really
    enjoyed the peppery taste. Simply test the fruit to make sure it gives
    slightly with pressure from your palm, then wash, peel, scoop out the
    seeds, and slice. Caribbean Chicken Salad
    These strange looking exotic fruits are delicious. A wrinkled skin is a
    sign of ripeness. Just wash them, cut them in half and scoop out the
    soft, sweet flesh with a spoon.
    Ripe peaches are a wonderful treat. They should be firm, yellow with a
    red or pink blush, smell sweet, and give slightly to palm pressure.
    Unless you are canning them, be sure to select freestone peaches, not
    cling. I bought a case of cling peaches once and was driven to tears trying
    to remove the pit, or stone. Peaches can be blanched for 30 seconds in
    boiling water, then plunged into cold water. The skins will slip right
    off. Brie Peach Sandwiches
    Fresh pineapple is a wonderful treat. The ripe fruit should smell ripe
    and give very slightly when pressed at the bottom. To prepare, wash,
    then firmly grasp the leaves and twist off. Cut the pineapple into four
    sections, and using a curved knife, cut the flesh away from the prickly
    peel. Remove the hard core and slice the fruit or cut it into chunks.
    Grilled Pineapple
    These strange fruits are in season during the winter months. They are
    hard shelled fruits with tiny edible seeds coated with a red fruity
    glaze. The seeds are the part you eat. To easily remove the seeds, cut the
    pomegranate in half and, using a spoon, whack the back of the fruit so
    the seeds come out in a shower. Then squeeze the empty halves to juice.
    Pomegranate Romaine Salad
    Raspberries need no preparation - just wash gently and quickly and
    serve. Be sure to carefully check packages before you buy so there are no
    squished or moldy fruits in the bottom of the container. Caramelized
    Peach and Raspberry Shortcakes
    Starfruit are ripe when yellow and give slightly to pressure. The
    entire lemony fruit is edible. Just wash and slice - and the slices will
    look like stars!
    Fresh strawberries should be red, firm and plump. The best are
    harvested yourself from pick-your-own farms, or from farmer's markets. To
    prepare, wash thoroughly, then cut out the leaves (hull) and any white part
    at the top, or shoulder, of the strawberry. Then slice or chop.
    Strawberry S'more Tart
    Seedless varieties of watermelon aren't really seedless, but have very
    small, tender, edible seeds. Watermelon is best cut into large wedges,
    then sliced. When ripe, the watermelon will give a hollow thud when
    thumped and will smell sweet. Watermelon rind is a popular ingredient for
    people who love to pickle fruits. Watermelon with Mango Berry Salsa


    If you squeeze an artichoke and it squeaks, it's fresh! Artichokes
    should be compact, firm and heavy for their size. A slight brown tint in
    the artichokes you buy in the fall is actually desirable - it's called
    "winter kiss" caused by frost, and increases sweetness. To prepare, cut
    off the top 1" of the artichoke, then using a scissor to cut off all
    sharp tips, cut off the stem and rinse in lemon water. If you want to
    remove the choke before cooking, gently pull apart the leaves and carefully
    scrape out the hairy choke. Artichokes can be boiled or steamed until
    the leaves can be easily pulled off. Eating them is an art - pull off
    each leaf and scrape the tender bottom between your teeth. Dipping sauces
    enhance the artichoke's flavor. Marinated bottled artichokes are an
    easy way to add this vegetable to your repertoire. Feta, Cheese and Rice
    Thick or thin? There is an ongoing controversy about which is more
    tender. It really doesn't matter - just go with your own preference! Choose
    firm stalks with tightly closed tips. Asparagus can be peeled if you
    wish, using a swivel bladed peeler, but I never do. Just make sure to
    stop peeling about 2" from the tips. Rinse the spears well, since they can
    be sandy. Then hold the spears in both hands and bend until they snap.
    The spears will break naturally at the point where they begin to be
    tender. Steam or roast them until tender. Turkey, Asparagus and Strawberry
    * BEANS
    Most legume beans like limas, cranberry beans, black eyed peas, and
    fava beans are sold canned. If you find fresh, make sure to pick plump,
    firm pods. Shell them just before using, then steam or boil until tender.
    I recently learned to love fresh soybeans, which are delicious served
    as a snack or appetizer. Just boil the whole pods in lightly salted
    water for 5 minutes, then cool. Shell as you eat. String beans are best
    prepared simply. Just wash and sort, then cut off the ends with a sharp
    knife. I like them simply simmered for 5-10 minutes in some chicken broth
    or seasoned water until tender. Drain and toss with a bit of olive oil
    or butter and serve. Special Green Beans; Three Bean Cassoulet
    * BEETS
    Fresh beets should be firm, round and smooth with no soft spots. They
    can be roasted or steamed. If you roast them unpeeled, they can be eaten
    like a baked potato. The red stain from beets is permanent, so cover
    your work surface with waxed paper as you work. Cut off the stem and
    root, wash and scrub thoroughly, then cook by boiling, roasting or
    steaming. After cooking the skins will slip off easily.
    As the most popular member of the cruciferous family, broccoli has so
    much fiber and so many nutrients, including those valuable
    phytochemicals. Choose firm, plump heads with no yellow florets and firm leaves.
    Separate the florets from the stalk, wash well and cook by steaming or
    boiling. If you don't undercook or overcook it, there won't be an
    unpleasant sulfur smell. The stalks can be peeled and cut into thin pieces.
    Begin cooking the stalks a few minutes before the florets to ensure they
    are done at the same time. Marinated Greek Salad
    This leafy green vegetable is popular in Italy and is becoming more
    available in the United States. It is not a member of the broccoli family,
    but part of the larger brassica family. Choose firm stalks with crisp
    leaves. Some yellow flowers are perfectly acceptable. Wash well and cook
    very thoroughly. Most recipes call for simmering the rabe in water,
    then draining and sauteeing. The bitter taste may be an acquired taste.
    Cabbages should be firm and heavy, with leaves tightly attached to the
    stem and the head. Wash the head, then remove the outer tough leaves.
    Cut or shred the cabbage as directed in the recipe. I most often serve
    cabbage raw in salads, but it is delicious cooked and finished with a
    little butter. Tomato Cabbage Bisque
    Smaller carrots are sweeter! I love the baby carrots packaged in the
    produce section of the supermarket. These are actually ordinary carrots
    which have been thoroughly trimmed to be a uniform small size. If you
    are buying carrots with green tops, make sure the tops aren't wilted.
    Remove the tops before storage to increase the carrot's shelf life. Wash,
    peel if necessary, and cook by steaming, roasting, or boiling. Boursin
    Cauliflower is fairly perishable, so buy it only 2-3 days before you
    eat it. Choose firm, heavy heads with creamy white florets that have no
    brown spots. The stem isn't edible. Wash well, cut off the florets, and
    serve raw or steam them lightly until tender. Red, White and Blue Slaw
    * CORN
    Fresh corn on the cob is one of the joys of summer. Stopping at a
    farmer's stand is the best way to get the freshest, sweetest corn. Choose
    firm, heavy ears that have bright green, tightly attached husk and light,
    dry silk. Husk the cobs right before cooking. I usually boil the corn
    in a pot full of lightly sweetened water for only 2-3 minutes - really
    just heating the kernels. To remove the kernels from the cob, hold
    upright and cut down using a large chef's knife, being careful to cut only
    the kernels and not the tough casing. Mexican Chicken Salad
    Cucumbers you buy in the grocery store are almost always waxed to
    prolong freshness. I always peel cucumbers before using them. Cut in half
    and use a spoon to scrape out the seeds, which can be bitter. Then slice
    or chop and use in recipes. Cooked cucumber has a delicate taste and
    tender texture. Chicken Artichoke Salad
    * FENNEL
    Fennel looks like a fat bunch of celery. The delicate licorice taste
    and crunchy texture is delicious. Choose firm, heavy bunches with fresh
    leaves and no flowers on the stalks. To prepare, wash, then remove the
    stalks. Cut off the top and bottom of the bulb, then peel if necessary
    and cut into wedges, slices, or dice. Fennel can be served raw or
    steamed or boiled. Grilled Seafood Salad
    * GREENS
    Fresh greens are very perishable. If you buy loose bunches, choose
    crisp, tight heads. Wash the individual leaves carefully and dry them
    thoroughly on paper towels. I love the prepacked prepared salad greens sold
    in most grocery stores. Canadian Bacon and Peach Salad
    * JICAMA
    Jicama is a fresh, crisp root or tuber with a sweet apple-y flavor that
    is delicious sliced raw in salads. Choose heavy tubers with no soft
    spots. Wash, peel, and slice to serve. It is sliced and served with lime
    and chili powder in Mexico. Patriotic Salad
    Kohlrabi is a very nutritious, delicious root vegetable. Choose
    kohlrabi that is smaller than 3" in diameter. Wash and peel before slicing. It
    can be served raw in salads, or cooked by steaming or boiling.
    Fresh mushrooms are wonderful in salads, especially pasta salads. There
    is something about the tender, soft texture with a bit of crunch that
    is delectable. Choose mushrooms that are firm and creamy white, with no
    brown spots. Only buy mushrooms from reputable sources, and if you hunt
    your own, make sure you know what you're doing! Store them in a paper
    bag in the refrigerator. Rinse quickly to wash. Don't soak the mushrooms
    in water, or they will absorb lots of liquid and be watery. Cut off the
    ends of the stems, then slice or chop. The thin membrane under the cap
    that encloses the gills is called the veil. Mushrooms are still fine if
    the veil is open, revealing the gills. Open veil mushrooms won't last
    as long, but have a richer flavor. Wonderful exotic mushrooms varieties
    like portobella, crimini, morels, and oyster mushrooms are now
    available to add a rich, smoky flavor to your recipes. Grilled Garlic Steak
    Buy firm, solid onions and leeks with no wet spots. Leeks should have
    crisp, dark green leaves and feel heavy for their size. Don't store
    onions in the refrigerator, or they will soften. Peeling onions under water
    is really the only way to avoid tears. When you cut an onion, you
    release sulfur compounds that irritate your eyes. Holding a match or piece
    of bread in your mouth just doesn't work. Make sure you rinse leeks very
    well, as they are grown in sand and the sand really can hide in between
    the leaves. Oniony Meaty Spaghetti Sauce
    Bell peppers are sweet and smoky, while peppers like jalapenos and
    habaneros are very spicy and hot. Choose firm, brightly colored peppers and
    store them covered in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Wash them, cut in
    half, and remove seeds before slicing or chopping. Roasting peppers,
    then placing them in a paper bag and removing the skin makes the peppers
    smoky, soft and sweet. The seeds and membranes in hot peppers store
    most of the capsacin, so remove them for less heat. Be very careful when
    preparing hot peppers to not touch your eyes, nose or mouth or your skin
    will burn. By the way, drinking milk or eating bread is the best way to
    reduce the heat taste of hot peppers on your tongue. Wild Rice Salad
    Potatoes store very well, so buy them in bulk! Make sure to store them
    away from onions, however, as they each release a gas that shortens the
    other's shelf life. Don't store potatoes in the refrigerator, as the
    starch will convert to sugar and the taste will be unacceptably sweet.
    Potatoes should be firm, heavy, and smooth with no soft spots or bruises.
    I almost never peel them before adding them to a recipe, but you
    certainly can peel if you prefer. Potatoes Grand Mere
    Fresh spinach is a wonderful addition to salads. It is soft and sweet
    with a wonderful nutty flavor. Cooked spinach has more available
    nutrients, however. I prefer using frozen cut leaf spinach when a recipe calls
    for cooked, but cooking fresh spinach is very easy. Purchase spinach
    with crisp, deep green leaves with no bruises or soft spots. Wash
    thoroughly because it tends to be sandy. Steam the spinach with just the water
    that clings to its leaves for moisture, until it wilts and turns very
    deep green. Seven Layer Salad
    * SQUASH
    Winter squashes are hard skinned, heavy fruits (yes, fruits!) that
    should be firm, with a dry, attached stem. Winter squash is almost always
    baked. Pumpkins, butternut squash, delicata, Hubbard, acorn and
    spaghetti squash are common varieties. Summer squashes are more like cucumbers,
    with tender, soft skin and delicate flesh. Choose firm, small summer
    squashes with no brown spots. Peel if you like, wash, and slice. Summer
    squashes are wonderful cooked in a little butter, with salt and pepper.
    Varieties include zucchini, yellow summer squash, crookneck and
    scalloppini. Marinated Vegetable Salad
    If you are lucky enough to grow fresh tomatoes yourself, you know how
    wonderful they are right off the vine. During the fall, spring and
    winter months, I prefer buying plum, cherry, or grape tomatoes rather than
    the large woody varieties that are bred for shipping sturdiness.
    Tomatoes should be firm, but give gently when pressed. If you can buy them
    from a farmer's market or roadside stand, so much the better! To seed
    tomatoes, cut in half and gently squeeze to remove the seeds and tomato
    jelly. To peel tomatoes, dip briefly in boiling water until the skin
    begins to split. Cool by plunging into ice water, and the skin will slip
    right off. Mango Tomato Salad




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