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    How to Dry Tomatos

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    It takes about 7 pounds of fresh tomatoes to make a single pint of
    tomatoes. This is part of the reason they are so expensive. The best
    tomato to
    use in this process is the Roma (also known as a plum, pear, or
    Italian) tomato,
    because it contains less water and seeds. However, you can use any
    They will just take a little longer to dry.


    Dried Tomatoes (yields about 1 pint)

    1) Wash carefully and wipe dry: 7 or 8 pounds of firm, ripe (preferably
    2) Cut out the stem and scar and the hard portion of core lying under
    3) Cut the tomatoes in half, lengthwise. If the tomato is more than
    about 2
    inches long, cut it in quarters.
    4) Scrape out all of the seeds that you can without removing the pulp.
    5) Arrange the tomatoes, with the cut surface up, on non-stick cookie
    (glass or porcelain dishes are OK. They will have to withstand
    temperatures of
    a few hundred degrees F if you are going to oven-dry the tomatoes). Do
    use aluminum foil, or bare aluminum cookie sheets. The acid in the
    will react with the metal.
    6) Mix together thoroughly:
    -1 tsp dried basil
    -1 tsp dried oregano
    -1 tsp dried thyme
    -2 tsp salt.
    7) Sprinkle a small amount of this mixture on each tomato. (You may
    this mixture to suit your own taste.)
    8) Dry the tomatoes in the oven, dehydrator, or in the sun. Directions
    for each of these methods. However, no matter what method you choose,
    aware that not all of the tomatoes will dry at the same rate. They do
    not all have
    the same amount of moisture, nor do they experience the same
    temperature and
    air circulation while they are drying.
    9) They are done when they are very dry, but still pliable - about the
    texture of a dried apricot. If dried too long, they become tough and
    leathery. If
    not dried long enough, they will mold and mildew, unless packed in oil.
    So watch
    them carefully while they dry. Try to remove them on an individual
    before they become tough.
    10) Here are the drying methods. There is a time listed with each
    This time is approximate, and can vary significantly depending on the
    moisture of
    the tomato. Do *not* rely on this time as more than a rough guide.
    *Oven-drying (approximately 12 hours): Bake, cut side up, in 170 F oven
    about 3 hours. Leave the oven door propped open about 3 inches to allow
    moisture to escape. After 3 hours, turn the tomatoes over and press
    flat with your
    hand or a spatula. Continue to dry, turning the tomatoes every few
    hours, and
    gently pressing flatter and flatter, until tomatoes are dry.
    *Dehydrator method (approximately 8 hours): Place the tomatoes, cut
    side up,
    directly onto the dehydrator trays. Set dehydrator temperature to about
    140 F.
    After 4 or 5 hours, turn the tomatoes over and press flat with your
    hand or a
    spatula. After a few hours, turn the tomatoes again and flatten gently.
    Continue drying until done.
    *Sun-drying (approximately 3 days): Dry in hot weather, with relatively
    humidity. Place tomatoes, cut side down, in shallow wood-framed trays
    nylon netting for the bottom of the trays. Cover trays with protective
    netting (or
    cheesecloth). Place in direct sun, raised from the ground on blocks or
    anything else that allows air to circulate under the trays. Turn the
    tomatoes over
    after about 1 1/2 days, to expose the cut side to the sun. Place the
    trays in a
    sheltered spot after sundown, or if the weather turns bad.
    11) After the tomatoes are dry, store in air-tight containers, or pack
    oil. To pack in oil:
    *Dip each tomato into a small dish of white wine vinegar. Shake off the
    excess vinegar and pack them in olive oil. Make sure they are
    completely immersed
    in the oil.
    *When the jar is full, cap it tightly and store at *cool* room
    for at least a month before using. They may be stored in the
    refrigerator, but
    the oil will solidify at refrigerator temperatures (it quickly
    reliquifies at
    room temperature however).
    *As tomatoes are removed from the jar, add more olive oil as necessary
    keep the remaining tomatoes covered.

    You can store oil-packed tomatoes in the pantry for over a year.

    ****** WARNING ********
    Do *NOT* add fresh garlic cloves to oil-packed dried tomatoes, UNLESS
    store them in the refrigerator. Garlic is a low-acid food which, when
    placed in
    oil, creates a low-acid anaerobic environment - the perfect growth
    medium for
    botulinum bacteria if the mixture is not refrigerated. Botulism
    poisoning is
    characterized by a very high mortality rate. Be safe and add your
    garlic to the
    dried tomatoes as part of the recipe for them *after* they come out of




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