Measurements at a Glance
Source of Recipe
1. 2 T. peanut butter - a large walnut in the shell
2. 1/2 cup cooked pasta - a scoop of ice cream
3. 1 cup stew, beans or breakfast cereal - a baseball
4. 1 oz. bread - a CD case
5. 5 oz. wine 0 2/3 of a coffee cup
6. 1 1/2 oz. hard cheese - three dominoes
7. 1 t. butter - the tip of your thumb
8. 1 1/2 ox. sliced, packaged cheese - about one 4 by 6
inch index card
9. 2 T. salad dressing - a full shot glass
10. 3 oz. meat - a regular-size bar of soap
11. 1 oz. potato chips or pretzels - fits in both your
open, cupped palm
12. 1 oz. nuts or small candies - fits in one cupped palm
13. 1 T. olive oil - a small coffee-creamer container (
used in restaurants or hospitals)