Cauliflower Pickles
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
2 cups small white onions, blanched and peeled
2 quarts cauliflower (florets) small pieces
1 cup pickling salt (non-iodized)
1-1/3 cups white sugar
2 TB mustard seed
1 TB celery seed
1-1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
4 cups white pickling vinegar (at least 5%)
1 red, yellow or green bell pepper chopped
1 small carrot peeled and sliced thin Recipe
Cover onions with water and bring to a boil, then drain, cool and peel.
Combine onions, carrot, cauliflower and salt, cover with water and let
for 18 hours.
Drain, rinse well and then drain again. Combine sugar, seeds, pepper
and vinegar then bring to a boil and cook until sugar is dissolved.
Add vegetables, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 10 minutes or
vegetables are just tender.
Pack vegetables in hot sterilized pint jars, cover with hot liquid and
at once.