Email to jksa Recipe Categories: waaa3's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS BREAD BREAKFAST CAKESandPIES CANDY CASSEROLES Chicken COOKIES CROCKPOT DESSERTS Dip ETHNIC FISHandSEAFOOD FRUIT MEATS PASTA POULTRY SALADandDRESSING SAUCES SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS VEGETABLES Peanut Butter Dip Source of Recipe online List of Ingredients 1/2 C. vanilla yogurt 1/2 C. peanut butter 1/4 t. ground cinnamon 1/4 C. miniature sweet chocolate chips apple wedges and miniature pretzelsRecipe In a small bowl, combine the yogurt, peanut butter and cinnamon. Stir in chocolate chips. Serve with apples and pretzels. Makes 1 cup.