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    List of Ingredients


    2 Cups Flour
    1 Egg
    1 Tbl. Salad oil
    1/2 tsp. Salt
    2/3 Cup Warm water

    Mix in water enough so dough is soft, but can be handled. Turn out onto floured board and knead until it is smooth and elastic. Let rest 10-15 minutes.


    1/2 Cup Dry rolled bread crumbs
    4 Tbls. Melted butter
    2 Cups Graceland sliced dried apples
    simmer 5 minutes in 1 Cup water, let stand 10 minutes, drain
    1/3 Cup Sugar
    1 Tbl. Cinnamon
    1/4 Cup Graceland dried cherries




    Mix in water enough so dough is soft, but can be handled. Turn out onto floured board and knead until it is smooth and elastic. Let rest 10-15 minutes.


    Turn dough out onto floured board and roll out as thin as possible. Brush over the dough with melted butter. Brown the crumbs until golden in the melted butter. Sprinkle them over the buttered strudel dough. Cover with a layer of apple slices and cherries, then with the sugar and cinnamon. Roll up and place on greased baking sheet. Brush with melted butter and bake at 400 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Sprinkle with sugar. Serve hot or cold.




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