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    Bavarian Cream

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Bavarian Cream

    1 ounce gelatin
    1/4 cup cold water
    1 cup milk
    1-inch piece vanilla bean
    3/8 cup sugar
    4 egg yolks
    pinch salt
    1 cup heavy cream, stiffly whipped
    Additional whipped cream and fruit for garnish

    Soak the gelatin in cold water. Mix the milk with the sugar in top of a double boiler, add the vanilla bean and scald. Beat the egg yolks and salt in a large bowl until thick and lemon-colored

    Pour a little of the hot milk into the beaten yolks, stir quickly and pour gradually into the hot milk mixture, stirring constantly. Cook over 1" of simmering water about 10 minutes, stirring constantly, or until the mixture coats the pan.

    Pour into a large bowl, discard vanilla bean, add gelatin and stir until gelatin is dissolved and mixture is cool. Chill until custard starts to thicken. Gently fold in cream. Pour into a one-quart mold. Chill several hours or overnight.

    Umold on serving plate and garnish with fresh berries or slices of fruit and frills of whipped cream forced through a pastry tube.

    Yields: 6 servings

    Chocolate Bavarian Cream
    Melt 2-ounces unsweetened chocolate and stir into scalded milk-sugar mixture. Replace the vanilla bean with 1 tablespoon rum or brandy, stirred into the cooling custard.





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