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    Cherry Cinnamon Cream Anglaise

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Yield: 6 cups or 24 (1/4-cup) servings

    Heavy cream -- 1 1/2 quarts
    Dried tart cherries, chopped fine -- 1 1/2 cups (8 ounces)
    Cinnamon sticks -- 3
    Grandulated sugar -- 3/4 cup (5 ounces)
    Egg yolks -- 12 (8 ounces)
    Salt -- Pinch
    Ground cinnamon -- Dash


    Yield: 6 cups or 24 (1/4-cup) servings

    1. Warm heavy cream, cherries and cinnamon sticks in medium saucepan about 15 minutes, using enough heat to let small bubbles form at the edges of the cream without bringing to a boil. Stir occasionally.
    2. Meanwhile, gently whisk together sugar and egg yolks. Temper egg mixture with a little hot cream to avoid curdling, then gently mix egg mixture into cream mixture.
    3. Continue to heat without boiling 2 to 5 minutes, or until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon; stir occasionally.
    4. Strain the sauce into a bowl, using a food mill or chinoise. Press the cherry pieces to release their juice. Let cool.
    5. Refrigerate 6 to 8 hours, or overnight to intensify the flavors. Add salt and ground cinnamon to taste.

    Serving suggestions:

    Drizzle sauce over fruit pastries, such as cherry, apple or pear pie, tart or turnover. Use Drunken Cherries (see recipe below) as a garnish.

    Drizzle sauce over chocolate desserts, such as ice cream, torte, flourless cake or tiramisu.

    Serve as a dipping sauce for fresh fruit.




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