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    Dessert Waffles

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Dessert Waffles

    2 cups fresh fruit such as berries, bananas, apples, stone fruit (or canned which would only require warming)
    3 Tablespoons butter
    3 Tablespoons sugar
    1-1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    4 fresh or frozen waffles

    Prepare the fresh fruit by cleaning, seeding and peeling as needed. Melt butter in small saut� pan over medium heat and add fruit to coat. Add sugar, cinnamon and corn starch (to thicken mixture). At this point you can add a jigger of aromatic liqueur (Brandy, Frangelico, Grand Marnier, Galiano), but be certain to cook off alcohol before serving. Gently stir and warm fruit through. If you are using canned fruit, sweeten and season as needed and warm fruit through. Toast frozen waffles and top with warm fruit mixture. Garnish with mint sprig or orange zest if you have it. Whipped cream is a great touch. So is ice cream.





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