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    Dumplings and Cocky's Joy

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Dumplings and Cocky's Joy
    1 1/2 cups self raising flour
    2 TBSP caster sugar
    60g butter, melted
    1 egg, lightly beaten
    1/4 cup milk
    1 1/3 cups water
    1/3 cup golden syrup
    1/2 cup soft brown sugar
    1/2 tsp lemon juice
    60 g butter extra
    Sift flour into mixing bowl, add sugar and stir until combined. Make a well in the center. Combine butter, egg and milk, and add to the dry mixture. Using a knife, stir until just combined. Combine water, syrup, juice and extra butter in a large pan. Stir over high heat until sugar has dissolved, bring to a boil. Carefully drop heaped tablespoonfuls into the syrup. Reduce heat to low and cook for 10 minutes or until dumplings have risen and are cooked through. Ladle the syrup over the dumplings occasionally during cooking. Serves 4.





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