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    Rose Petal Cream

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    What you need:

    the petals of 3 strongly perfumed roses Careful!! Insecticides are harmful. Watch for aphids as well.

    250 gr. (8 � ounces) heavy fresh cream

    4 tablespoons of sugar

    � kg. (1 pound) strawberries or raspberries

    How to prepare:

    1. Clean and disinfect the strawberries and raspberries. Then put them in a dish with sugar, covering them well.

    2. Put the rose petals on another dish and crush them well.
    3. Add the heavy cream to the crushed petals, mix and put in the fridge until it takes on the scent of the flowers.

    4. Take the mixture out of the fridge and strain with a fine-mesh strainer. Add sugar and pour the cream onto the sugar-covered fruit.

    Or use the cream in an ice cream base or over cereal





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