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Recipe Categories:

    Strawberries a la Blue Fox

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients



    30 fresh jumbo strawberries


    2 egg yolks
    2 tablespoons granulated sugar
    2 tablespoons sherry, port, or Marsala
    Confectioners' sugar
    1 cup heavy cream


    1. Wash strawberries in cold water. Drain well, then hull. From point, slit each berry into quarters, but don't cut through bottom. Refrigerate.

    2. Make Sabayon Cream: In top of double boiler, with portable electric mixer at medium speed, beat egg yolks with granulated sugar and sherry until well combined.
    3. Place over boiling water; beat at medium speed until mixture is thick and forms soft peaks when beater is slowly raised --about 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
    4. Immediately set top of double boiler in bowl of ice; continue beating until mixture is cool - about 2 minutes. Let stand in ice in refrigerator, 30 minutes.
    5. Meanwhile, in medium bowl, combine � cup confectioners' sugar and cream. Refrigerate, along with portable electric-beater blades, 30 minutes.
    6. Add chilled cooked mixture to chilled cream mixture; beat until stiff.
    7. Fill each strawberry with Sabayon mixture (using pastry bag with decorating tip, if desired), and bringing Sabayon mixture to peak at top. Refrigerate.
    8. To serve: Sprinkle filled berries lightly with confectioners' sugar. Arrange on mound of crushed ice.
    Makes 8 to 10 servings.





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