Tropical Meringue Torte
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
Raspberries and blackberries are teamed with tropical fruits in this light summer dessert. Delicately flavored coconut meringues are layered with coconut filling and studded with a com-bination of berries, banana and kiwi. Mango, papaya and starfruit also make tasty additions.
(2) 10 oz. packages frozen raspberries in syrup, thawed
juice of 1/2 lemon
1-1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
8 large egg whites, room temperature
� teaspoon cream of tartar
1 � cup granulated sugar, divided
1 cup powdered sugar
1 � teaspoons coconut extract
2 cups prepared coconut pudding (see recipe below or use 3 oz. package coconut pudding prepared according to package
8 oz. light whipped topping, thawed
3 cups mixed raspberries and blackberries, fresh or whole frozen
1 banana
1 small kiwi
Raspberries and blackberries for garnish
Strain undrained berries and lemon juice into small saucepan, pressing raspberries through sieve with back of spoon. Add cornstarch to saucepan and blend well. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Boil one minute. Remove from heat and allow to cool. (HINT: Pint squirt bottles are helpful tools in storing cooled puree as well as in assembly of finished torte.)
Place oven racks in lower and middle positions and pre-heat oven to 225?. Cut (3) sheets of waxed or parchment paper into approximately 12� squares. Using cake pans, compass or kitchen bowls as guides, trace three circles, each slightly smaller than the previous one, with 9� being the largest circle. (7�, 8� and 9� works well.)Place parchment or waxed paper on baking sheets or on removable tart pan bottoms. (The latter will aIlow more space in oven.) Lightly grease paper with cooking spray. Set aside.
Place room temperature egg whites in large mixing bowl and beat on low speed of electric mixer until foamy and white. Sprinkle Cream of Tartar over surface and continue beating a few more seconds. Gradually sprinkle 4 tablespoons granulated sugar over egg whites while increasing mixer speed to medium, and whip until soft peaks form. Gradually add remaining 1 cup granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating after each addition until sugar is dissolved and meringue feels smooth when tested between thumb and index finger. (If meringue feels grainy, continue beating.) When meringue is smooth and stands up in
stiff, glossy peaks, beat in coconut extract. Sift powdered sugar over meringue in two stages, and fold in by hand until barely incorporated.
Immediately spoon meringue inside each circle, keeping within the line and shaping with back of spoon to a depth of a little over 1�. Bake 2 hours, rearranging baking sheets after 1 hour so that the lower baking sheet is in middle position, and middle sheet in lower position. After 2 hours, meringues will be firm and ivory to champagne color. (If meringues begin to turn tan or darker during baking, temperature is too high and should be reduced.) Turn off oven and let meringues stand in oven for
20 -30 minutes.
Remove baking sheets from oven and allow meringues to remain on parchment for 20-30 minutes, until cool. At this point, if wrapped in plastic freezer bags and stored in airtight containers, meringues will keep for two weeks.
Filling and Assembly
Fill and assemble about 1/2 hour before serving to soften meringues slightly. When ready to serve, fold light whipped topping into coconut pudding. Spread about 1 cup of coconut filling over largest meringue disk. Spoon Raspberry Sauce in decorative lines over filling. Sprinkle liberally with berries and sliced banana. Repeat these steps with remaining disks, using smaller amounts of filling each time, and ending with smallest disk. Garnish with berries and kiwi.