List of Ingredients
1 cups blanched almonds
2 cups powdered sugar
1 teaspoons almond extract
2 egg whites, see note
Process almonds in a food processor until it forms a paste. Combine with powdered sugar and almond extract; stirring well.
Stir in egg whites (see note), one at a time, until mixture is moist; blending thoroughly after each addition.
Transfer to a surface dusted with powdered sugar and knead until smooth and pliable. Shape into fruit or other favorite shapes. Serve immediately or store in airtight containers.
NOTE: For salmonella-safe egg whites
You will need: a medium stainless steel bowl
a wooden or plastic stirring spoon
a heat-resistant rubber spatula
a medium skillet
a quick-read kitchen thermometer
Place egg whites in bowl. For each white, add 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon water, and 1/16 teaspoon cream of tartar. Stir gently, breaking up egg whites, but not raising any foam. Set aside.
In skillet, heat 1 inch of water to a simmer and remove from heat. Place the bowl in the hot water and begin stirring and scraping constantly with rubber spatula to prevent overheating. After 1 minute of constant stirring, remove bowl from hot water and check temperature with thermometer (tilt bowl if necessary to have about 2 inches of white covering thermometer stem).
Temperature must be 160°F. If not, place the bowl back in the hot water and resume scraping in 15-second increments until the temperature reaches 160°F. Rinse off the thermometer in the hot pan water between each use.
When the desired temperature is reached, proceed with recipe.