*Canned and Dried Foods Storage*
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
Food Storage Handling Hints
Canned food
- plastic cans 6-12 months Possibly longer, depending on
Canned fruit juices 9 months Keep cool.
Juice/drink boxes 9 months Follow "best used by" date
on label.
Canned foods
- unopened 12 months Keep cool.
- opened
• baby foods 2-3 days Close jar tightly and refrigerate.
• fish and seafood 2 days For all opened canned foods,
• fruit 1 week transfer foods in cans to glass or
• meats 2 days plastic storage containers.
• pickles, olives 1-2 months Tightly cover and refrigerate. If
• poultry 2 days left in the opened can, off
• sauce, tomato 5 days flavors of some foods may develop.
• vegetables 3 days
Fruits (dried) 6 months Keep cool in airtight containers.
Refrigerate if possible.
- dried 1 year Keep cool in airtight container.
- dehydrated flakes 6 months Refrigerate if possible.
Spices, Herbs, Condiments, Extracts
Food Storage Handling Hints
Catsup, chili sauce
- unopened 12 months
- opened 1 month Refrigerate for longer storage.
Mustard, prepared yellow
- unopened 2 years
- opened 6-8 months May be refrigerated.
Stir before using.
Spices and herbs
- whole 1-2 years Store in airtight containers in
- ground 6 months dry places away from sunlight and
- herb/spice blends 6 months heat. At times listed, check
aroma; if faded, replace. Whole
cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon sticks
maintain quality beyond two-year
period. Can be stored in the
freezer to extend shelf life.
- unopened 2 years
- opened 12 months Keep tightly closed. Volatile
oils escape.
Other extracts
- opened 12 months Keep tightly closed. Volatile
oils escape.
Soy sauce (unopened) 3 years Use within six to nine months
after opening.
Tabasco, worchestershire 2 years
Miscellaneous Foods
Food Storage Handling Hints
Cheese, parmesan (grated)
- unopened 10 months
- opened 2 months Refrigerate after opening. Keep
tightly closed.
- shredded, canned
or packaged
• unopened 12 months
• opened 6 months Refrigerate after opening.
Meat substitutes
- textured protein 4 months Keep tightly covered. For longer
products (imitation storage, refrigerate.
bacon bits, etc.)
Metered caloric 6 months Keep in can, closed jar or
products, powdered original packets.
breakfast mixes,
liquid breakfast
- in shell, unopened 4 months
- nutmeats, packaged Refrigerate after opening. Freeze
• vacuum can, for longer storage. Unsalted and
unopened blanched nuts keep longer than
• other packaging, salted.
unopened 3 months
• package or can,
opened 2 weeks
Peanut butter
- unopened 6-9 months Refrigeration not needed. Keeps
- opened 2-3 months longer if refrigerated. Natural
peanut butter must be
refrigerated after opening.
Peas, beans (dried) 12 months Store in airtight container.
Popcorn 2 years Store in airtight container.
Microwave popcorn 18 months
Vegetables, fresh
- onions 2 weeks Keep dry and away from sun.
- potatoes
• white 2-4 weeks For longer storage,keep below 50°F.
• sweet 1-2 weeks Don't refrigerate sweet potatoes.
Soft drinks 6 months
Whipped topping (dry) 12 months Keep cool and dry.
Yeast (dry) Expiration date Can be frozen to extend shelf life.
on package.