Email to wiccadwoman      Recipe Categories: wiccadwoman's HOME PAGE4THofJULY ABM ALCOHOLICdrinks APPETIZERS BAZAAR BBQ BEANS BEVERAGES BREAD BREADSFORDINNER BREAKFAST BROWNIESandBARS CAJUNandCREOLE CAKEMIXreciipes CAKES CAMPING CANDY CANNING CASSEROLES CASTiron CELTIC CHEESEBALLS CHEESECAKES CHILI CHINESE CHRISTMAS CHURCH CITRUS39ADES39 CLAYPOT COFFEEcakes COFFEErecipes CONDIMENTS COOKIEPRESScookies COOKIES COOKIESfromCAKEMIXES COOKINGfor2 CRACKERS CRAFTS CROCKPOT CROCKPOTappetizers CROCKPOTbeverages CROCKPOTbreakfast CROCKPOTdesserts CROCKPOTsides CROCKPOTsoups_stewsandchilis CROWDcooking DANISHrecipes DAYbeforePAYDAY DESSERTS DESSERTtoppings DIABETIC DIETS DIPPEDchocolates DIPS DRIEDfoods EASTER EDIBLEFLOWERS EGGS ETHNIC FAMILYfavoritesTNT FLAVOREDoilsandvinegars FONDUES FOODstorage FREEZERfare FrenchToast FROSTINGSandICINGS FRUIT FUDGE GARDENING georgeFORMANgrill GIFTSfrommyKITCHEN GIFTSinaJAR GRAVIES GREEK GROUNDbeef HALLOWEEN HEALTHYsnacks HOTBEVERAGES HOUSEHOLD ICECREAMandSORBETSetc ITALIAN JAMSandJELLIES JAPANESE JELLOSALADS JonesFamily KIDS LAMB LEFTOVERS LOWCARB LOWFAT LUNCH MadHungryTV MAINdishPIES MAINENTREES MAKEyourOWN MARINADES MARINADESandRUBS MEDICINAL MENUS MEXICAN MICROWAVE MOMandDAD MOVIEnights MUFFINS myFAVORITES NONEDIBLES PAMPEREDchef PANCAKESandWAFFLES PASTA PASTRIES PETS PICNICFARE PIES PIZZAS POPCORN PORK POTATOsides POTlucks POULTRY POUNDcakes PPFM PRESSUREcooker QUICKandEASY QUICKandEASYdesserts QUICKbreads RAMEN RECIPESFORALEC RECIPESforBRIANNA RecipesforGordon RECIPESforGORDON RECIPESforJORDYN RECIPESforME RECIPESforSEAN RECIPEsites RICE SALADandDRESSING SALADandDRESSINGSII SANDWICHES SANDWICHmachine SANDWICHshop SAUCES SCONES SCOTTISH SEAFOOD SEASONINGS SHAKESandMALTS SIDES SKEWERSandKABOBS SKILLETS SLEEPovers Slushies SMOOTHIESetc SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS SPECIALoccasions SPECIALTIES SPREADS SQUASHrecipes STPATTYS SUMMERdishes SUNDAYDINNER SYRUPS TEAparty TEAS THANKSGIVING TIPSandHINTS TRUFFLES VALENTINES VEGETABLES VEGETARIAN VITAMIXrecipes wedding whfoodscom WINGS WW WWpointcharts ZUCCHINI zzSTUFFzz JERK PORK Source of Recipe rgm List of Ingredients 2 jalapeño peppers 3 green onions 4 tablespoons allspice 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon fresh ginger 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 2 garlic cloves 4 bay leaves 2 tablespoons oil 2 pounds pork chops Recipe Put everything except oil in food processor and chop fine. Add oil slowly until smooth. Coat both sides of chops and let sit for 30 minutes. Grill.