Girl Scout Cookie Points (2005)
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
There are two bakeries that make Girl Scouts Cookies. ABC Interbake Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers. It depends on what part of the country you live in. This is the list of cookies for 2005
List of Ingredients
ABC Interbake Foods:
cookie, servings, (calories/fat/fiber)=points
Animal Treasures, 2 cookies (190/9/0) = 5 pts
Caramel deLites, 2 cookies (140/7/1) = 3 pts
Classic Shortbread, 4 cookies (130/6/1) = 3 pts
Iced Berry Pinata, 2 cookies (130/5/0) = 3 pts
Peanut Butter Patties, 2 cookies (150/8/1) = 3 pts
Peanut Butter Sandwich, 3 cookies (170/6/1) = 4 pts
Reduced fat Lemon Cremes, 3 cookies (130/4.5/0) = 3 pts
Thin Mints, 4 cookies (170/7/0) = 4 pts
Little Brownie Bakeries:
cookie, sevings, (calories/fat/fiber)=points
All Abouts, 2 cookies (150/7/0) = 3 pts
Do-si-dos, 3 cookies (180/9/1) = 4 pts
Double Dutch, 2 cookies (110/5/9) = 2 pts
Lemon Coolers, 5 cookies (130/4.5/0) = 3 pts
Tagalongs, 2 cookies (140/9/1) = 3 pts
Thin Mints, 4 cookies (140/7/0) = 3 pts
Trefoils, 4 cookies (130/9/0) = 3 pts
Samoas, 2 cookies (150/8/0) = 3 pts.