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    Quiche Lorraine

    Quiche is always a nice luncheon with a salad and a crusty bread , makes a lovely light dinner..

    List of Ingredients

    • 9" unbaked pastry
    • 8 slices of bacon diced
    • 8oz. of swiss cheese shredded
    • 3 eggs beaten
    • 1tbs. flour
    • 1/2 tsp. salt
    • 1 3/4 cup of milk
    • nutmeg/ bacon bits.. for the top,when you put it in the oven


    1. Bake pastry shell 450* for approx. 7 min.
    2. Remove from oven, reduce heat 325*
    3. Cook bacon until crisp & drain crumble (reserve some for top of quiche..)
    4. Wisk Eggs ,cheese, milk, flour, salt,bacon together
    5. Pour into baked shell,,I put a sprinkle of flour on the bottom , before pouring in filling
    6. bake 325* for 35- 45 till fillin is set..dip knife in centre. when comes out clean..done..
    7. let set,,for few minutes ,,before slicing..reheats nicely.




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