12 cups dried bread cubes
1lb ground sausage
3/4 cup butter
3/4 cup celery
1/2 cup minced onion
1tsp. ground sage
2cups chicken stock?
3eggs beaten
Hi! This is woody and today we are going to be making a homemade bread and sausage dressing that will be perfect for your holiday table. This recipe calls for twelve cups of dried bread cubes. You can use whole-wheat; you can use white, or a combination of the two; you can make your own bread cubes; or feel free to use store bought. The next step is to brown one pound of ground sausage in a skillet over medium heat. Cook the sausage just until it is lightly browned, and then you want to drain the grease and set the sausage aside. Add three-quarters of a cup of butter to your skillet over medium heat and allow it to melt. To the melted butter, add two cups of diced celery and one-half cup of minced onion, and you are going to want to saute this until the onion is translucent and the celery is crisp tender. Once the onion and celery are properly cooked, add a teaspoon of salt and a half a teaspoon of pepper and also one teaspoon of ground sage. Add the celery and onion mixture to the twelve cups of bread cubes, along with the cooked sausage, and then stir until evenly distributed. Now you need to add liquid to your dried bread cubes. You can either use chicken stock or chicken broth, and you want it to be moist enough so that the dressing just holds itself together, so start with one cup of chicken stock. You can always add more later. After adding one cup, if you feel it is still a little bit too dry, go ahead and add a little bit more of the stock. After you have added the chicken stock, stir in three beaten eggs. It is important to remember that these eggs will add moisture to the dressing as well, so try to remember that when adding the liquid. Butter the bottom and the sides of the baking dish; then pour your dressing into the baking dish and level it off. Once you have the dressing in your baking dish, add another one-half to one cup of chicken broth or stock on top of the dressing. This provides just a little extra moisture. Then cover it with aluminum foil. Place the dressing in a 350 degree preheated oven for 30 to 45 minutes. Remove the foil the last 15 minutes of cooking time so that the top gets nice and brown. Once your dressing is nice and brown on the top, check the temperature to make sure it is at least 165 degrees.