posted by sparrow on Family Fare. From the American Cancer Society.
List of Ingredients
2 lemons
2 oranges
7 c. apple cider
5 c. cranberry juice cocktail
Four 3" cinnamon sticks
2 tsp. whole allspice
10 whole cloves
2 1/4" pices fresh giniger, peeled and thinly sliced
Using a citrus zester of sharp vegetable peeler, carefully remove the
rind from the lemons and oranges. Avoid peeling the white flesh
beneath the rind. Slice the citrus ring into 1/4 " thick strips.
Combine the rind, cider, cranberry juice and spices in a large
saucepan or Dutch oven. Over medium heat, bring the mxiture to a
Reduce liquid for 30 minutes. Strain cider, discarding the solids.
Serve warm.